Monday, May 21, 2012

still they laugh and play

     |__ under our stairs
          |__there was a table
               |__chairs, scissors, paint,
                    |__crayons, paper, and glue
                         |__children times ago
                              |__laughed and played
                                   |__ grown now
                                         |__table, chairs, all is gone
                                              |__in my memory
                                                   |__still they
                                                        |__laugh and play 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

No Stairs

where there are no stairs
there are paths ahead
always steps to take
around the boulder - then left or right ...
to move from here to there
the way may be easier
but when to rest
a place to sit is
not so easily found

else steps are steep
and like the path 
the end is out of sight
we would stop sit
down discouraged
soon find ourselves
at the bottom step
looking at our feet

maybe that is why
the angel's stairway
hidden from our eyes
our hearts still search
for light on the path
a step or two ahead
we lay to sleep to wake
in joy to live in steps